Passiflora nephrodes Mast. D 1890
Autor: | Kuethe, J. R., Justiniano, Hermes |
Rok vydání: | 2023 |
Předmět: | |
DOI: | 10.5281/zenodo.8062888 |
Popis: | Passiflora nephrodes Mast., Bulletin of the Torrey Botanical Club 17: 282. 1890. (Figure 1-4) Type:— BOLIVIA. La Paz: Unduavi, 2,200 meters, H.H. Rusby 494 (HT: NY, US). Description: —Plant densely pilose throughout, covered in fine white trichomes ca. 1 mm long. Stem subangular to terete. Stipules sub-reniform, 1.7–2.8 × 0.8–1.3 cm, aristate, coarsely serrate-dentate. Petioles 1–4 cm long, densely hirsute, bearing 2–3 pairs of stipitate glands scattered across the petiole, glands 2–3 mm long. Leaf blade 5.5–16 × 4–8 cm, 3-lobate, central lobe the longest, ovate to ovate-lanceolate, 3–6.5 × 2–4 cm at base, acute or sub-obtuse, at apex; lateral lobes deltoid-ovate to ovate, lobes borne between one-half and two-thirds of the blade’s length, 1–3.5 cm long, acute at apex; base subcordate to cordate; margins slightly denticulate (especially along the lower third). Peduncles 3.7–8 cm long, extending to up to 10 cm when fruiting; bracts foliaceous, borne 3–5 mm below the base of the flower, ovate to lanceolate, 1.3–2 × 0.7–1.2 cm, acute at apex, slightly cordate at base, margins serrate. Flowers lavender-purple, 6–7 cm wide, fragrant; hypanthium shallowly cupshaped, glabrous, 5–6 mm deep, green on the outside; sepals oblong, 3–3.7 × 0.9–1.3 cm, obtuse, greenish-white externally, light lavender-purple internally, dorsally awned just below apex, awn slightly hooked, 4–6 mm long, sparingly pilose; petals linear-oblong to oblong, slightly shorter and narrower than the sepals, light lavender-purple. Corona somewhat bushy, filiform, composed of several series, the outermost two series subequal in length, 3.2–3.7 cm long, radiate, becoming wavy towards apex, proximally dark purplish pink, medially white (in one or two poorly defined bands) becoming lavender-purple in upper third; those of the succeeding series filiform, 3–7 mm long, erect to slightly curved, dark purplish pink with a white tip; operculum membranous at base, filamentose above, the filaments reaching 7–8 mm long surrounding the gynophore, pinkish-purple becoming white distally. Limen membranous, ca. 3 mm high, closely surrounding the base of the gynophore; ovary ovoid, sparingly hirsute to pilose. Fruit ovoid to spathulate, 5–8 × 3–4 cm at widest point, narrowed towards the peduncle, green to greenish yellow when mature. Seeds not seen. Distribution and habitat:— The full extent of the distribution for P. nephrodes has long been debated, resulting in several questionable identifications of “ Passiflora nephrodes ” in Peru, Brazil and eastern Bolivia (Tropicos 2022, SpeciesLink 2022, Reflora 2022). This has led to a somewhat vague circumscription of P. nephrodes, resulting in taxonomic outliers overshadowing the appearance of true P. nephrodes and making its identification in remote and ecologically deviating regions highly questionable. However, through literature studies (protologues and specialized literature) and close analysis of the original True P. nephrodes appears to be restricted to the dry montane shrublands of central-west Andean Bolivia, in the northern Yungas region of the department of La Paz. Sightings of this species by Passiflora experts and amateurs from Bolivia (Justiniano, Fuentes, Vargas, Delanoy, pers.corr.) confirm this distribution, and that this species has not been seen growing outside of this specific habitat. Considering how habitatspecific the distribution of true P. nephrodes has proven to be, both in terms of ecological and climatological dynamics, posed significant doubt on the reliability of the identification of the collections labelled “ P. nephrodes ” from different ecological regions. With the questionable outliers omitted, P. nephrodes is found at relatively montane elevations between 1,600 m and up to 2,500 m above sea level. Particularly noteworthy are the populations found near to its type location, along the RT25 and RT 40 in the mountains north of La Paz between the villages Unduavi, Huancané and Coroico and west of the Carrasco National Park. Passiflora nephrodes grows as a moderate climbing vine found at elevations where the vegetation is somewhat low and stunted. Nebular precipitation provides some moisture year-round, although the primary source of water is largely controlled by a distinct wet- and dry season (wet season runs from October till March). Additional specimens examined:— Passiflora nephrodes. BOLIVIA. La Paz: Nor Yungas, Caranavi-Bella Vista, 15°45’S 067°30’W, 1,500 m, R. Vásquez et al. 1,931 (LPB); between Sacramento and St. Francisco, 16°12’S 067°45’W, 1,680 m, 30 November 2003, M. Delanoy 205 (MO); between Sacramento and St. Francisco, 16°12’S 067°45’W, 1,680 m, 30 November 2003, M. Delanoy 210 (MO); Road between Carmen Pampa and Coroico, 4 km from Coroico, 16°12’S 067°43’W, 1840 m, 25 April 2003, M. Delanoy 25 (MO); 17.3 km NE of (below) Chuspipata on road to Yolosa, 16°13’S 067°47’W, 1,900 m, 21 October 1984, J.C. Solomon 12553 (HUA, LPB, MO); Carretera Coroico-Chulumani, entre Santa Barbara y Ciénagas, desvio a San Agustín, 16°34’39”S 067°36’51”W, 2,030 m, 8 December 2020, A.F. Fuentes et al. 21,653 (LPB); Sud Yungas, Road from La Florida to Santa Rosa, Yanacachi, 16°23’S 067°43’W, 17 January 2004, M. Delanoy 406 (MO); Road from Uyuca to, over Duraznuni, Irupana, 16°28’S 067°23’W, 1,880 m, 18 December 2003, M. Delanoy 291 (MO); Road between Isquircan and Irupana, 16°28’S 067°26’W, 2,105 m, 16 December 2003, M. Delanoy 274 (MO); Between La Lomas and San Antonio, Chulumanic, 16°21’S 067°31’W, 1,815 m, 09 December 2003, M. Delanoy 226 (MO). Published as part of Kuethe, J. R. & Justiniano, Hermes, 2023, Establishing the true identity of Passiflora nephrodes (Passifloraceae), resulting in Passiflora rosacea, a new species from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, pp. 84-94 in Phytotaxa 600 (2) on pages 85-86, DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.600.2.3, {"references":["TROPICOS (2022) Tropicos. org: Nomenclatural, bibliographic, and specimen data accumulated in MBG's electronic databases. Missouri Botanical Garden. Available from: http: // www. tropicos. org (accessed 25 April 2022).","Reflora (2022) Flora do Brazil - Virtual Herbarium. Available at: http: // floradobrasil. jbrj. gov. br / reflora / herbarioVirtual / (accessed 29 July 2022)."]} |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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