Penerapan Model Pembelajaran CTL yang diberi Penekanan pada Komponen Inkuiri dalam Pembelajaran Lay-Up Shoot

Autor: Merta, I Wayan, Suardika, I Kadek
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3903068
Popis: This CTL learning model was chosen considering the PJOK learning outcomes of students of class X-IPS 1 of Public High School Negeri 4 Singaraja in the 2019/2020 academic year were initially still low, reaching an average value of 69. On this basis, this study aimed at improving the result of achievement in lay-up shoot learning, and students’ response toward the implementation of CTL teaching model which concerned to the component of Inquiry Method. The study was designed using two cycles. The data of this were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The achievement of basic competency completeness rate for lay-up shoot was converted with competency rate mastery for Physical and Health Education subject applied in Public High School 4 Singaraja. Based on score accumulation data of psychomotor aspect, cognitive aspect, and affective aspect acquired in cycle I and II, after being analyzed using descriptive statistics, it was classically achieved basic competency completeness rate 95% or A predicate (very good). Therefore, it can be concluded that the implementation of CTL teaching model which concerned to the component of Inquiry Method was very effective and gained a positive response as a learning method the achievement of lay-up shoot learning in basketball game toward the students of class X-IPS 1 Public High School 4 Singaraja in the Academic Year 2019/2020.
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Databáze: OpenAIRE