Production of long-lived positronium states via laser excitation to 33P level

Autor: A. Camper, Sebastian Gerber, J. Fesel, R. S. Brusa, F. Guatieri, P. Lansonneur, Romualdo Santoro, M. Oberthaler, G. Testera, Angela Gligorova, E. Widmann, O. M. Roehne, S. R. Mueller, Luca Penasa, B. Rienaecker, Stefano Aghion, Ph. Lebrun, H. Holmestad, F. Prelz, L. Di Noto, Claude Amsler, Felice Sorrentino, D. Krasnicky, Marco Prevedelli, M. Antonello, Daniel Comparat, Chloé Malbrunot, Rafael Ferragut, J. Robert, Andrea Fontana, I. C. Tietje, Massimo Caccia, Fabrizio Castelli, Michael Doser, V. Petráček, P. Hackstock, Marco Giammarchi, G. Nebbia, Giovanni Cerchiari, S. Haider, Davide Pagano, C. Zimmer, V. Matveev, O. Khalidova, Alban Kellerbauer, Alberto Rotondi, A. Hinterberger, V. Lagomarsino, A. S. Belov, Lillian Smestad, A. Demetrio, Patrick Nedelec, Sebastiano Mariazzi, M. Fanì, C. Evans, Ruggero Caravita, Giovanni Consolati, Germano Bonomi, P. Yzombard, Heidi Sandaker, Nicola Zurlo
Přispěvatelé: Mariazzi S., Caravita R., Aghion S., Amsler C., Antonello M., Belov A., Bonomi G., Brusa R.S., Caccia M., Camper A., Castelli F., Cerchiari G., Comparat D., Consolati G., Demetrio A., Di Noto L., Doser M., Evans C., Fani M., Ferragut R., Fesel J., Fontana A., Gerber S., Giammarchi M., Gligorova A., Guatieri F., Hackstock P., Haider S., Hinterberger A., Holmestad H., Kellerbauer A., Khalidova O., Krasnicky D., Lagomarsino V., Lansonneur P., Lebrun P., Malbrunot C., Matveev V., Mueller S.R., Nebbia G., Nedelec P., Oberthaler M., Pagano D., Penasa L., Petracek V., Prelz F., Prevedelli M., Rienaecker B., Robert J., Roehne O.M., Rotondi A., Sandaker H., Santoro R., Smestad L., Sorrentino F., Testera G., Tietje I.C., Widmann E., Yzombard P., Zimmer C., Zurlo N.
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: AIP Conference Proceedings
ISSN: 0094-243X
Popis: The 33P state of positronium is an intermediate level suitable for producing long-lived positronium states. On one hand, it can be used in a two-step laser excitation scheme from the ground state to Rydberg levels. On the other hand, excitation of positronium to 33P level is a simple pathway for producing metastable 23S positronium atoms by spontaneous radiactive decay. In this work, experiments showing the production of such long-lived levels, using the 33P state as intermediate state, are presented. The characteristics of the two long-lived levels, in view of experiments of deflectometry/interferometry with positronium, are discussed.The 33P state of positronium is an intermediate level suitable for producing long-lived positronium states. On one hand, it can be used in a two-step laser excitation scheme from the ground state to Rydberg levels. On the other hand, excitation of positronium to 33P level is a simple pathway for producing metastable 23S positronium atoms by spontaneous radiactive decay. In this work, experiments showing the production of such long-lived levels, using the 33P state as intermediate state, are presented. The characteristics of the two long-lived levels, in view of experiments of deflectometry/interferometry with positronium, are discussed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE