Cancer risk‐reducing surgery: Brazilian society of surgical oncology guideline part 1 (gynecology and breast)

Autor: Vandré Cabral Gomes Carneiro, Ana Carolina Leite Vieira Costa Gifoni, Benedito Mauro Rossi, Carlos Eduardo Mattos da Cunha Andrade, Fernanda Teresa de Lima, Henrique de Campos Reis Galvão, Jose Claudio Casali da Rocha, Leonardo Silveira da Silva Barreto, Patrícia Ashton‐Prolla, Rodrigo Santa Cruz Guindalini, Terence Pires de Farias, Wesley Pereira Andrade, Paulo Henrique de Sousa Fernandes, Reitan Ribeiro, Andre Lopes, Audrey Tieko Tsunoda, Bruno Roberto Braga Azevedo, Carlos Augusto Martinez Marins, Diego Nunes de Albuquerque Oliveira Uchôa, Evandro Airton Sordi Dos Santos, Felipe José Fernández Coimbra, Francisco Alcides Dias Filho, Francisco Carlos de Oliveira Lopes, Francisco Guilherme Fernandes, Guilherme Fonteles Ritt, Gustavo Andreazza Laporte, Gustavo Cardoso Guimaraes, Heládio Feitosa e Castro Neto, Jocela Cristina dos Santos, Jordana Botelho de Carvalho Vilela, Jorge Guardiola Meinhardt Junior, Juliano Rodrigues da Cunha, Leonardo Medeiros Milhomem, Luciana Mata da Silva, Luiza de Freitas Maciel, Nathalia Moreira Ramalho, Rafael Leite Nunes, Rodrigo Guido de Araújo, Rogério de Assunção Ehrhardt, Ronald Enrique Delgado Bocanegra, Tyrone Cesar Silva Junior, Viviane Rezende de Oliveira, Walyson Silva Surimã, Miriam de Melo Melquiades, Heber Salvador de Castro Ribeiro, Alexandre Ferreira Oliveira
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Journal of Surgical Oncology. 126:10-19
ISSN: 1096-9098
Popis: Risk-reducing operations are an important part of the management of hereditary predisposition to cancer. In selected cases, they can considerably reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with cancer in this population.The Brazilian Society of Surgical Oncology (BSSO) developed this guideline to establish national benchmarks for cancer risk-reducing operations.The guideline was prepared from May to December 2021 by a multidisciplinary team of experts to discuss the surgical management of cancer predisposition syndromes. Fourteen questions were defined and assigned to expert groups that reviewed the literature and drafted preliminary recommendations. Following a review by the coordinators and a second review by all participants, the groups made final adjustments, classified the level of evidence, and voted on the recommendations.For all questions including risk-reduction bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, hysterectomy, and mastectomy, major agreement was achieved by the participants, always using accessible alternatives.This and its accompanying article represent the first guideline in cancer risk reduction surgery developed by the BSSO, and it should serve as an important reference for the management of families with cancer predisposition.
Databáze: OpenAIRE