Determination of Career Choices and Reasons for Intern Physicians at Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine

Autor: Ahmet Furkan SÜNER, Elif IŞIK, Hatice ŞİMŞEK KESKİN
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Volume: 7, Issue: 1 326-336
Journal of Basic and Clinical Health Sciences
ISSN: 2564-7288
Popis: Purpose: In this study, it was determined the characteristics and reasons of career choices of intern physicians who are educated at Dokuz Eylul University Faculty of Medicine in the period 2021-2022. Material and Method: This descriptive study was conducted between August 2021 and February 2022 at the Dokuz Eylul University, Faculty of Medicine. The data were collected online through Google forms with a previously experimented questionnaire. 272 intern physicians answered the questionnaire (reach rate = 83.4%). Results: Only 27.0% of the intern physicians stated that they wanted to work in the deprivation area, while 89.3% of them thought of becoming a specialist after graduation. 30.9% of the intern physicians stated that they wanted to work at a university after graduation, and 25.7% of them thought of a career abroad. The three departments most frequently stated by interns to write to their first choice are psychiatry (9.4%), dermatology (6.8%) and ophthalmology (6.8%). The first five factors that intern physicians answered as "very influential" on the choice of profession, acceptable working hours (84%), working conditions after specialization (82.9%), occupational satisfaction (78.4), violence against healthcare workers (74.3%), specialization training. conditions (73.6%). Conclusion: Specialization is the most important career option for medical students after graduation. It is seen that acceptable working hours, working conditions after specialization, job satisfaction, violence against healthcare workers, conditions of specialization training, malpractice lawsuits and high-income opportunities are effective in the selection of specialization.
Databáze: OpenAIRE