The Potential Roles of Biochar in Restoring Heavy-Metal-Polluted Tropical Soils and Plant Growth

Autor: Kadir, Salam, Abdul
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Biochar-Productive Technologies, Properties and Applications ISBN: 9781803562513
Biochar-Productive Technologies, Properties and Applications
DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.105791
Popis: Biochar shows interesting and environmentally useful properties, among which is its relatively high cation exchange capacity (CEC). High CEC may lower the easily plant-available heavy metals in soils due to the increase in the soil adsorption capacity resulted from biochar application. Quite a lot of current researches reveal that the extracted heavy metals in tropical soils particularly Cu and Zn were significantly lowered in the presence of biochar at 5−10 Mg ha−1. Heavy metal–contaminated tropical soils planted with corn plants (Zea mays L.) show significant decreases in Cu and Zn concentrations at moderate- and high-level addition of heavy metal–containing waste. The growth and dry masses of roots and shoot of corn plant improved immediately as a result of biochar amendment. Planting heavy metal–polluted soils treated with biochar with thorny amaranth (Amaranthus spinosus) also demonstrated a similar phenomenon.
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