Method for the analysis of volatile compounds in virgin olive oil by SPME-GC-MS or SPME-GC-FID

Autor: Ramón Aparicio-Ruiz, Enrico Casadei, Clemente Ortiz-Romero, Diego L. García-González, Maurizio Servili, Roberto Selvaggini, Florence Lacoste, Julien Escobessa, Stefania Vichi, Beatriz Quintanilla-Casas, Alba Tres, Pierre-Alain Golay, Paolo Lucci, Erica Moret, Enrico Valli, Alessandra Bendini, Tullia Gallina Toschi
Přispěvatelé: European Commission, Ramón Aparicio-Ruiz, Enrico Casadei, Clemente Ortiz-Romero, Diego L. García-González, Maurizio Servili, Roberto Selvaggini, Florence Lacoste, Julien Escobessa, Stefania Vichi, Beatriz Quintanilla-Casas, Alba Tres, Pierre-Alain Golay, Paolo Lucci, Erica Moret, Enrico Valli, Alessandra Bendini, Tullia Gallina Toschi
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: 8 Páginas.-- 1 Figura.-- 2 Tablas
During the course of the EU H2020 OLEUM project, a harmonized method was developed to quantify volatile markers of the aroma of virgin olive oil with the aim to support the work of sensory panel test to assess the quality grade. A peer validation of this method has been carried out, with good results in terms of analytical quality parameters. The method allows the quantification of volatile compounds by SPME-GC with two possible detectors, flame ionization detector and mass spectrometry, depending on the technical facilities of the labs applying this method. The method was optimized for the quantification of 18 volatile compounds that were selected as being markers responsible for positive attributes (e.g. fruity) and sensory defects (e.g. rancid and winey-vinegary). The quantification is carried out with calibration curves corrected by the internal standards. Additionally, a protocol is provided to prepare the calibration samples. This procedure enhances reproducibility between labs since one of the main sources of errors is the application of different procedures in calibration.
The authors are grateful to the sensory panel leaders and tasters involved as partners in the OLEUM project (Eurofins, Germany; ITERG, France; IPTPO, Croatia; UNIBO, Italy; UZZK, Turkey; ZRS/UP, Slovenia) and to the numerous companies that provided the commercial virgin olive oils for the trials needed to set up the method. The authors would like to express their gratitude to Prof. Lanfranco Conte for his contribution in terms of discussion and ideas on the herein presented method. This work is supported by the Horizon 2020 European Research project OLEUM “Advanced solutions for assuring the authenticity and quality of olive oil at a global scale”, which received funding from the European Commission within the Horizon 2020 Programme (2014–2020), grant agreement no. 635690. The information expressed in this article reflects the authors’ views; the European Commission is not liable for the information contained herein.
Databáze: OpenAIRE