Kreativnost u nastavi engleskoga jezika

Autor: Tonća Jukić, Ana Knezović
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Acta Iadertina
Volume 19
Issue 1
ISSN: 1849-1243
Popis: Uvriježeno je stajalište da suvremeni odgojno-obrazovni sustav treba pojedinca osposobiti za kritički, kreativni i aktivni odnos prema stalno mijenjajućoj okolini, tako što će učitelji stvarati okolinu za učenje koja će učeniku omogućiti konstrukciju i kreativnu produkciju znanja. Također, smatra se da učitelj treba imati pozitivne stavove prema kreativnosti i kreirati nastavu u kojoj će iskazivati svoju kreativnost i primjenjivati strategije učenja i podučavanja ‒ povoljne za razvoj kreativnog mišljenja i ponašanja učenika. Za ostvarenje navedenoga u literaturi se višestruko ističe važnost procesa osposobljavanja budućih učitelja. U radu se prikazuju rezultati istraživanja provedenog na uzorku studenata Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Splitu te učitelja engleskoga jezika zaposlenih u splitskim osnovnim i srednjim školama. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi razlikuju li se ispitanici u samoprocjenama kreativnosti i procjenama mogućnosti iskazivanja kreativnosti u nastavi engleskoga jezika, pedagoške važnosti poticanja kreativnosti u nastavi engleskoga jezika te učestalosti poticanja kreativnosti učitelja u školi i studenata na fakultetu. krenulo se od pretpostavaka da između studenata i učitelja nema statistički značajnih razlika u navedenim samoprocjenama i procjenama. provedenim t-testovima za nezavisne uzorke prve tri su hipoteze i potvrđene, dok je odbačena četvrta hipoteza koja se odnosila na razlike u procjenama učestalosti poticanja kreativnosti učitelja u školi i studenata tijekom studija. ispitivanjem prvih triju hipoteza utvrđeno sljedeće je: studenti i učitelji engleskoga jezika podjednako su se procijenili prilično kreativnima; učitelji su procijenili da mogu, a studenti da će moći prilično izraziti svoju kreativnost u različitim oblicima rada te su obje grupe ispitanika procijenile prilično važnim poticanje kreativnosti u nastavi engleskoga jezika. ispitujući četvrtu hipotezu, utvrđeno je da se učestalije potiče kreativnost učitelja u školama nego kreativnost kod studenata na fakultetu, stoga se u radu naglašava potreba većeg poticanja kreativnosti na nastavničkim studijima.
It is a common view that the modern educational system should train an individual to develop a critical, creative, and active attitude to the ever-changing environment by giving the task to teachers to create a learning environment that will allow students to construct and creatively produce knowledge. Moreover, it is believed that the teacher should have positive attitudes to creativity and design classes in which they will express their creativity and apply learning and teaching strategies conducive to the development of students’ creative thinking and behavior. To achieve this, professional literature repeatedly emphasizes the importance of training future teachers. This paper presents the results of a study conducted on a sample consisting of students studying at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Split, and English language teachers employed in primary and secondary schools in Split. The study aimed to determine whether respondents differ in self-assessments of their creativity and the following assessments: the ability to express creativity in teaching English, the pedagogical importance of encouraging creativity in teaching English, and the frequency of encouraging the creativity of teachers in school and students at faculty. We started from the assumptions that there are no statistically significant differences between students and teachers in the mentioned self-assessments and assessments. The first three hypotheses were confirmed by independent samples t-tests. In contrast, the fourth hypothesis, which referred to differences between teachers in school and students during their studies with regard to assessments of the frequency of encouraging creativity, was rejected. After testing the first three hypotheses, the following was established: students and English language teachers assessed themselves as equally quite creative, teachers assessed that they were able to, and students that they would be able to express their creativity in different forms of work, and both groups of respondents assessed encouraging creativity in teaching English as quite important. After testing the fourth hypothesis, it was found that the creativity of school teachers is more often encouraged than the creativity of university students. The paper therefore emphasizes the need for greater encouragement of creativity during teacher education studies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE