Outcome of twin deliveries at the University Teaching Hospital, Yaounde, Cameroon-a 15-year experience

Autor: Doh As, Kamdom-Moyo J, Ngassa P, Kouam L, Salihu Hm
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology. 18:340-344
ISSN: 1364-6893
DOI: 10.1080/01443619867074
Popis: Summary From 1982 to 1996, a total of 16 181 deliveries was registered at the obstetric unit of the YaoundeÂUniversity, Cameroon, out of which 291 were twins (1.8%). For the latter, the average gestational age was 37 6 2´9 weeks. In 45´0% of cases both fetuses presented cephalic, in 42´6% one presented cephalic and the other breech, while both fetuses presented as breech in 9´9% of cases. The frequency of the combination cephalic±transverse was 0´05%. Spontaneous delivery of both babies was observed in 90´2% of the patients, while in 9´7% delivery of both babies was by caesarian section. The caesarian section rate for a retained second twin was 1%. The perinatal mortality rate was 65 per 1000 (38 deaths in the ® rst week of life), out of which the fetal loss was 4´4% for the ® rst twin compared with 7´9% for the second. The perinatal mortality for the second twin was signi® cantly associated with the type of fetal presentation at the time of delivery, as well as the time gap between the delivery of the twins. Sixteen deaths were observed amongst second twins after podalic presentation out of a total of 23 deaths recorded in the group. In addition, the mortality rate among second twins born more than 20 minutes after expulsion of the ® rst was four times higher than in those delivered within 20 minutes time interval (16´0%5 versus 4´3%). The main cause of twin deaths in our study was found to be prematurity which complicated 30 cases of the registered deaths (78´9%).
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