Implementation of Band-to-Band Tunneling Phenomena in a Multisubband Ensemble Monte Carlo Simulator: Application to Silicon TFETs

Autor: Cem Alper, Carlos Sampedro, Francisco Gamiz, Adrian M. Ionescu, Jose L. Padilla, C. Medina-Bailon
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Digibug. Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Granada
Digibug: Repositorio Institucional de la Universidad de Granada
Universidad de Granada (UGR)
IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices
ISSN: 1557-9646
DOI: 10.1109/ted.2017.2715403
Popis: Tunnel FETs (TFETs) are in the way to become an alternative to conventional MOSFETs due to the possibility of achieving low subthreshold swing combined with small OFF current levels, which allows operation at low $V_{\mathrm {DD}}$ . In this paper, a nonlocal band-to-band tunneling model has been successfully implemented into a multisubband ensemble Monte Carlo (MS-EMC) simulator and applied to ultrascaled silicon-based n-type TFETs. We have considered two different criteria for the choice of the tunneling path followed by the carriers when crossing the potential barrier, which leads to different distributions of the generated electron–hole pairs. Subband discretization due to field–induced quantum confinement has been considered. TCAD simulations accounting for quantization effects are considered for comparison purposes providing a very accurate agreement with MS-EMC results.
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