Application of measures of disinfection, disinsection and rodent control in slaughterhouses

Autor: Marijana Vučinić, Katarina Nenadović, Milutin Đorđević, Radislava Teodorović, Ljiljana Janković
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Veterinarski žurnal Republike Srpske
ISSN: 2303-4475
DOI: 10.7251/vetj1801182j
Popis: Odgovornost svih subjekata u poslovanju hranom je prevencija uslova koji mogu dovesti do razvoja i širenja bolesti prenosivih hranom. Sistem analize opasnosti i kritičnih kontrolnih tačaka HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points) izdvojio se kao najefikasniji standardizovani pristup kojim se smanjuju rizici po bezbednost hrane i preporučen je od strane FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) i WHO (World Health Organization). Dezinfekcija, dezinsekcija i deratizacija (DDD) su samo jedan od preduslovnih programa mera kod primene HACCP sistema u prehrambenoj industriji. Realizacijom ovih mera proizvođači su bliži svom krajnjem cilju, a to je bezbedan proizvod visokog kvaliteta. Mere dezinfekcije, dezinsekcije i deratizacije sprovode se kontinuirano i podrazumevaju složene, pažljivo planirane i celovite postupke uništavanja mikroorganizama, insekata i glodara. Ove mere zahtevaju kombinaciju preventivnih i kurativnih mera i moraju se programski sprovoditi u cilju postizanja očekivanih efekata. Kompanije koje implementiraju mere DDD-a moraju imati obučene izvođače koji razumeju principe HACCP-a i znaju kako primeniti mere DDD na način koji neće predstavljati rizik za krajnjeg potrošača. The responsibility of all food business operators is the prevention of conditions that can lead to the development and spread of foodborne diseases. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points HACCP (Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point) has been identified as the most effective standardized approach that reduces the risks of foodborne diseases and is therefore accepted by FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization) and WHO (World Health Organization). Disinfection, disinsection and deratization (DDD) is just one of the prerequisite programmes in the application of the HACCP system in the food industry. By implementing these measures, manufacturers are closer to their ultimate goal which is a safe product of high quality. Measures of disinfection, disinsection and deratization are carried out continuously and involve complex, carefully planned and complete procedures for destruction of microorganisms, insects and rodents. These measures require a combination of preventive and curative measures and they must be implemented in order to achieve the expected effects. Companies that implement DDD measures must have trained staff who understand the principles of HACCP and know how to apply these measures in a way that will not pose a risk to the end consumer.
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