Uticaj hrapavosti Zn-Mn prevlaka na korozionu postojanost

Autor: Milorad V. Tomić, Miroslav B. Jokić, Jelena B. Bajat, Miomir G. Pavlović, Marija Riđošić
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Zaštita materijala
ISSN: 0351-9465
DOI: 10.5937/zasmat1501075t
Popis: This paper involves electrochemical deposition of Zn-Mn coatings from four solutions. We measured their roughness and corrosion stability. We used cathodes made of steel of unknown composition that were licensed under the chemical preparation before the electrochemical deposition of dual-Zn-Mn coatings, and we also used the anode of zinc, purity of 99.99%. Dual Zn- Mn coatings were electrodeposited for 15 minutes from all of the solutions at a current densities of 1 A/dm2, 2 A/dm2 and 4 A/dm2. All experiments were carried out galvanostatialy (at constant current) in an electrochemical cell, volume of 500 cm3 and at room temperature. The roughness of electrochemically deposited Zn-Mn coatings was measured by a TR200 device and corrosion stability of deposited coatings by determining the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS). The results show that the coatings with the smallest roughness are coatings deposited at a current density of 2 A/dm2 from all of the solutions. The exception is solution 3 with the relation [Mn2+]:[Zn2+]=1:2 where the roughness is at the lowest level in comparison to all solutions, ranging from 0.71 to 0.875 μm, and the roughness is lowest at the current density of 4 A/dm2 and is 0.71 μm. Based on electrochemical measurements, the corrosive most stable Zn-Mn coating is deposited at a current density of 2 A/dm2 from all the solutions and at the current density of 4 A/dm2 from solution 3 with a ratio of [Mn2+]:[Zn2+]=1:2. This suggests that the corrosion stability is related directly to the roughness and compactness of Zn-Mn coatings. When it comes to corrosion, the most stable coatings are those with the lowest roughness. U ovom radu je vršeno elektrohemijsko taloženje Zn-Mn prevlaka iz četiri rastvora, merena je njihova hrapavost i koroziona postojanost. Korišćene su katode od čelika nepoznatog sastava koje su podvgnute hemijskoj pripremi pre taložena dvojnih prevlaka Zn-Mn elektrohemijskim putem, a korišćene su anode od cinka čistoće 99,99%.Dvojne Zn-Mn prevlake su elektrohemijski taložene 15 minuta iz svih rastvora pri gustinama struje 1А/dm2, 2А/dm2 i 4 А/dm2. Svi eksperimenti su izvođeni galvanostatski (pri konstantnoj struji) u elektrohemijskoj ćeliji zapremine 500 cm3 i na sobnoj temperaturi. Hrapavost elektrohemijski taloženih prevlaka Zn-Mn merena je uređajem TR200, a koroziona postojanost taloženih prevlaka određivanjem spektroskopije elektrohemijske impedance (SEI). Rezultati pokazuju da najmanju hrapavost imaju prevlake taložene pri gustini struje2 A/dm2 iz svih rastvovora. Izuzetak je rastvor 3sa odnosom [Mn2+]:[Zn2+]=1:2 kod koga je hrapavost najmanja u odnosu na sve rastvore i kreće se od 0,71 - 0,875 μm , anajmanja je pri gustini struje 4 А/dm2 i iznosi 0,71 μm. Na osnovu elektrohemijskih merenja utvrđeno je da je koroziono najpostojanija prevlaka Zn-Mn taložena pri gustini struje od 2 A/dm2 iz svih rastvora i pri gustini struje 4 А/dm2iz rastvora 3 sa odnosom [Mn2+]:[Zn2+]=1:2. To govori da je koroziona postojanost u direktnoj vezi sa hrapavošću i kompaktnosti Zn-Mn prevlake. Koroziono su najpostojanije prevlake sa najmanjom hrapavošću.
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