High-Capacity Dynamic Indoor All-Optical-Wireless Communication System Backed up With Millimeter-Wave Radio Techniques

Autor: A.M.J. Koonen, Eduward Tangdiongga, K. A. Mekonnen
Přispěvatelé: Electro-Optical Communication, Optical Access and Indoor Networks, Center for Wireless Technology Eindhoven
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Journal of Lightwave Technology
Journal of Lightwave Technology, 36(19):8387520, 4460-4467. IEEE/LEOS
ISSN: 1558-2213
Popis: We propose a full-duplex dynamic indoor optical-wireless communication system using a crossed pair of diffraction gratings and photonic-integrated circuits with multicasting capability of 10-Gb/s on-off-keying and >40-Gb/s discrete-multitone data per user, backed up by a 60-GHz radio fallback system, with shared capacity of ∼40 Gb/s to realize reconfigurable and reliable high-capacity links to wireless users equipped with localization and tracking functionalities. The use of semiconductor optical amplifiers integrated with reflective electroabsorption modulators allows us to provide cost-efficient reflective transmitters at the user terminals in the upstream using centralized light sources and wavelength reuse technique. The 60-GHz radio fallback system allows us to cope with line-of-sight blocking in the optical-wireless links, thereby significantly enhancing the reliability of the wireless communication system.
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