Third HL-A segregant series: genetic analysis and molecular independence on lymphocyte surface

Autor: D. Fradelizi, C. Neauport-Sautes, M. Pierresi, Jean Dausset
Rok vydání: 1975
Zdroj: Tissue antigens. 5(4)
ISSN: 0001-2815
Popis: Five sera which detect two alleles of the third HL—A locus (T2 and T4) are described. Statistical analysis of a panel of 220 donors gave gene frequencies in a French Parsian population which are comparable to the results of Scandinavian author. Segregationabserved in 50 families emphssized thnkage disequilibirum with SD2 alleles. T1 was found to be associated woth the one part of W22 (Da30) and T3 with the other part (non-Da30). No recombination was observed between SD2 and SD3, and the distace between these two loci can be estimated at less than distance between these two loci can be estimated at ess than 0.0042 U. Differential capping experiments showed that redistribution of SD3 antigens did not affect the SD2 or SD1 products, indicating that they are borne on the cell surface by independent structure. Moreover, capping of SD1, SD2 and SD3 antigens did not provoke complete redistribution of beta-2-microglobulin which suggests that not all β2M molecules are linked to HL—A antigens.
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