Successful transformational change in revenue management among beneficiary communities of South African renewable energy construction companies

Autor: Chris Adendorff, Ric Amansure
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
socioeconomic development
hernubare energie
revenue management
Begunstigde gemeenskappe
Beneficiary communities
socio-economic development
Socioeconomic development
projekbestuur en transformasieverandering
Good governance
transformational change
Project management
Community development
groen energie
Revenue management
Beneficiary communities
community development
economic development
green energy
renewable energy
revenue management
socioeconomic development
project management
transformational change

ekonomiese ontwikkeling
Environmental economics
economic development
renewable energy
community development
project management
sosio-ekonomiese ontwikkeling
green energy
Transformational leadership
lcsh:Building construction
Zdroj: Acta Structilia, Vol 25, Iss 1, Pp 71-97 (2018)
Acta Structilia, Volume: 25, Issue: 1, Pages: 71-97, Published: 2018
Acta Structilia; Vol 25, No 1 (2018); 71-97
ISSN: 2415-0487
Popis: Transformational change is the second of three sub-models that resulted from the splitting of the original model following the data analysis as part of a thesis entitled A theoretical model for successful management of revenue for beneficiary communites of renewable energy companies in South Africa. The sub-model provides specific guidance for project managers dealing with transformational change in communities to stakeholders, industry experts and community development practitioners in the renewable energy sector. The aim of the research was to promote a localised understanding of education, social interaction, social cohesion, infrastructure improvement and sharing to ensure success in managing the revenue for beneficiary community projects by renewable energy construction companies. A literature review of relevant literature on transformational change factors was conducted and used to develop a structured questionnaire distributed to national and international population of project management practitioners who were conveniently sampled in South Africa. Using an electronic measuring instrument, the empirical findings established four factors that were reliable and valid for transformational change in communities, namely education, infrastructure development, human development, and change management. Using these factors and constructing a path diagram of the independent variables (education, infrastructure development, human development, change management) and subsequent intervening (good governance) and dependent variables (perceived success of revenue management), appropriate hypotheses were developed to test the model. The hypotheses were analysed and tested empirically using Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). Determinants were identified as elements of transformational change that influence the success of revenue management for beneficiary communities for South African renewable energy companies. These included the use of education, infrastructure development, human development, change management, and good governance. Transformatoriese verandering is die tweede van drie submodelle wat voortspruit uit die opbreking van die oorspronklike model na die data-analise as deel van 'n proefskrif getiteld A theoretical model for successful management of revenue for beneficiary communities of renewable energy companies in South Africa. Die submodel bied spesifieke leiding aan projekbestuurders wat handel oor transformasieverandering binne gemeenskappe aan belanghebbendes, kundiges in die bedryf en gemeenskapsontwikkelingspraktisyns in die hernu-bare energie sektor. Die doel van die navorsing was om 'n gelokaliseerde begrip van onderwys, sosiale interaksie, sosiale samehorigheid, verbetering van infrastruktuur en deel te bevorder om sukses te behaal in die bestuur van die inkomste vir begunstigde gemeenskapsprojekte deur hernubare energie konstruksiemaatskappye. 'n Literatuurstudie van relevante literatuur oor transformasieveranderingsfaktore is gedoen en gebruik om 'n gestruktureerde vraelys te ontwikkel wat aan nasionale en internasionale populasie van projekbestuurspraktisyns in Suid-Afrika versprei is. Met behulp van 'n elektroniese meetinstrument het die empiriese bevindinge vier transformasiefaktore gevind wat betroubaar en geldig was vir transformasieverandering in gemeen-skappe, naamlik onderwys, infrastruktuurontwikkeling, menslike ontwikkeling, en veranderingsbestuur. Met behulp van hierdie faktore en die konstruksie van 'n vloeidiagram van die onafhanklike veranderlikes (onderwys, infrastruktuurontwikkeling, menslike ontwikkeling, en veranderingsbestuur) en die daaropvolgende tussenliggende (goeie bestuur) en afhanklike veran-derlikes (waargeneme sukses van inkomstebestuur) is toepaslike hipoteses ontwikkel om die model te toets. Die hipoteses is empiries geanaliseer met behulp van strukturele vergelyking modellering (SEM). Determinante is geïdentifiseer as elemente van transformasieverandering wat die sukses van inkomstebestuur vir begunstigde gemeenskappe vir Suid-Afrikaanse hernubare energie maatskappye beïnvloed. Dit sluit in die gebruik van onderwys, infrastruktuurontwikkeling, menslike ontwikkeling, veranderingsbestuur, en goeie bestuur.
Databáze: OpenAIRE