Human parahippocampal activity: non-REM and REM elements in wake–sleep transition

Autor: Alpar S. Lazar, Róbert Bódizs, Melinda Sverteczki, Péter Halász
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Brain Research Bulletin. 65:169-176
ISSN: 0361-9230
Popis: The covert-rapid-eye-movement (REM) sleep hypothesis of dreaming suggests that elements of REM sleep emerge during sleep onset, leading to vivid hypnagogic imagery. Based on parahippocampal electrocorticography of epileptic patients we found an increase in REM-like 1.5-3.0 Hz parahippocampal activity during wake-sleep transition, which peaks after on average 30s of sleep onset, and reaches 82% of REM sleep value. The increase in 1.5-3.0 Hz parahippocampal activity followed alpha dropout, but did not relate to short-term fluctuations in alpha waves or sleep spindles. Non-REM sleep-specific slow (
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