Efek Latihan Aerobik Terhadap Peningkatan VO2Max pada Lansia Pria

Autor: Utamayasa, I Gede Dharma
Rok vydání: 2021
ISSN: 0197-3118
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4897568
Popis: Regular exercise can improve and improve the function of various organs of the body, especially the heart and lungs (cardiorespiratory). Aging a disease, but rather an advanced stage of the life process. People who regularly do physical exercise, increase. Performing regular physical activity is very important for the elderly with the aim of not only increasing the VO2Max value but and inhibiting the physiological and psychological decline in function. This study aims to see the effect of VO2Max on elderly tennis players in Singaraja. This type of research is a quantitative approach with quasi experimental, and the design used is pre and post test one group design. Based on the test results, it was obtained that the value of p = 0.000 p
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