Side effects of statins in patient with compensated hypothyroidism and SLCO1B1 *5 (c.521T>C) polymorphism

Autor: Liya A. Lugovaya, Yelena S. Vasileva, Anna B. Novitskaya, T A Nekrasova, Tatyana V. Koroleva, Olga V. Ledentsova, L G Strongin, Natalya I. Tarasova
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Клиническая и экспериментальная тиреоидология, Vol 13, Iss 3, Pp 36-44 (2017)
ISSN: 2310-3787
Popis: Aim : to assess the influence of compensated hypothyroidism and SLCO1B1 *5 (c.521T>C) gene polymorphism on the clinical and laboratory signs of the muscle damage during statin therapy. Methods: assessment of symptoms and markers of the muscle damage and SLCO1B1 *5 (c.521T>C) genotyping were performed in 33 patients with primary hypothyroidism taking statins, in 31 patients taking statins without hypothyroidism and in 33 patients with primary hypothyroidism without statins taking. Results: muscle pain was observed more often in the group of the patients with compensated hypothyroidism on the background of statins taking compared with other groups (45,5, 16,1 and 30,3 %, respectively, p=0,048). Only in this group the pain was associated with increased levels of creatine- kinase (171,0±108,12 and 110,0±43,81U/L, in the presence and absence of the pain, p=0,049), LDH (369,5±66,22 and 305,6±41,98 U/L, р=0,007), myoglobin titer (90,7±109,89 and 41,1±28,56, р=0,005), and more frequent occurrence of TC and CC genotypes of SLCO1B1 *5 (c.521T>C) (68,4 и 28,6%, р=0,0027). Conclusions: the patients with compensated hypothyroidism have a higher risk of statin-induced myopathy increasing if the TC heterozygotes or CC homozygotes of SLCO1B1 *5 (c.521T>C) gene are present, which requires thorough monitoring of clinical and biochemical muscle damage signs in case of its detection.
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