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Background: UropathogenicEscherichia coli (UPEC), possess different adhesin factors for binding the cells of urinary tract, afimbrialadhesin coded by the gene afa is one among the adhesin factors belonging to Dradhesin family. afa facilitates the colonization by binding to the receptor on the Dr blood group antigen, it stimulates the cytopathic effect and various signal cascade reactions. This adhesin accounts for chronic and recurrence in UTI. Aim & Objective: The aim of the study is to determine the prevalence of afa gene by using molecular method PCR. Materials & Methods: Bacteria isolated from urine samples were processed and confirmed for E. coli using standard bacteriological methods. DNA extraction done followed by PCR amplication were processed for detection of afa genes using specific primer and the specific base pair bands were noted using gel documentation. Results:The afa gene was found in 49 isolates (23.1%) of UPEC out of 212 isolates, which were distributed among male patients 19(38.8%) and 30 (61.2%) in female patients with more prevalence among less than 20 years of age group. Conclusion:afa, though a low frequency gene in UPEC showed high percentage in this study comparing the other geographical areas out of its low frequency. |