Main Sections of the Earth Crust and Upper Mantle of the Greater Caucasus by New Technologies. 2. Deep Seismic Sounding, Micro Seismic Sounding

Autor: P. Sh. Mindeli, T. L. Chelidze, J. Kiria, S. A. Ghonghadze, N. Ghlonti, O.V. Yavolovskaya
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Geofizicheskiy Zhurnal; Том 38, № 4 (2016); 100-112
Геофизический журнал; Том 38, № 4 (2016); 100-112
Геофізичний журнал; Том 38, № 4 (2016); 100-112
ISSN: 2524-1052
Popis: The work reviews the possibility of application of the seismic tomography method for processing the materials of deep seismic sounding (DSS). It presents comparative results by various softwares as GeoGiga Seismic PRO 7.0 (Canada), XTomo-LM (St. Petersburg). The work shows the possibility of using tomography together with the data of the micro seismic sounding (MSS) method. The basic section of the Earth's crust and upper mantle by tomographic sections. It is determined that the cover of the foundation is strongly indented, i.e., all the foundation is fragmented into blocks, which are enclosed by the net of faults formed according to the gradient zones of speeds and fragmentation of speed inhomogeneity in the tomography section. The thickness of the earth crust under the Greater Caucasus increases to 60—70 km. It reveals the speed image obtained as a result of seismic tomography, earlier constructed speed models of the DSS profiles of Bakuriani—Stepnoye and Nakhchivan—Volgograd reinterpreted by Pavlenkova G. A, also correlative analysis of the method of deep seismic sounding (DSS) and the method of micro seismic sounding (MSS) of the profile of Tskhinval—Ardon.
Databáze: OpenAIRE