Gene expression profiles in fetal and neonatal rat offspring of energy-restricted dams

Autor: Maarit Jokela, Mirella Hietaniemi, Merja Santaniemi, Elina Malo, Y. Antero Kesäniemi, Olavi Ukkola
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Journal of nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics. 2(4-5)
ISSN: 1661-6499
Popis: Background/Aims: Nutrition during fetal and early postnatal development can have permanent effects on physiology resulting in an increased risk for disease in later life. The aim of this study was to explore changes in gene expression related to maternal energy restriction during pregnancy in rat fetuses and in neonatal rat offspring. Methods: From day 4 of gestation until parturition, energy-restricted dams received either 75 or 50% of ad libitum food intake. Microarray analyses were performed on whole 13- and 17-day fetuses and 1-day-old pups. Protein and fat contents of the dams’ milk were analyzed in the different feeding groups. Results: A surprisingly small number of genes were differentially expressed between the groups, probably due to the strict control of fetal development. Interestingly, the expressions of many pancreatic digestion enzymes were reduced in the 1-day-old pups of the energy-restricted dams. A statistically significant difference in milk protein content was observed on day 1 post-partum between the gestationally food-restricted groups. Conclusions: The expressions of several genes that may have an important role in the normal development of organs were affected by undernutrition during fetal development. In addition, undernutrition may have affected the function of the exocrine pancreas.
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