Morphology and CO adsorptive properties of CuCl polycrystalline films: a SEM and FTIR study

Autor: Domenica Scarano, Paolo Galletto, Roberto De Franceschi, Adriano Zecchina, Carlo Lamberti
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1997
Popis: The morphology of the CuCl film microcrystals was determined by means of SEM analysis. By comparing the micrographs with the computer graphic modelling results, polyhedra reproducing the particle shape were obtained, which are characterized by the predominant presence of (110) faces. The surface properties of these model solids have been studied, by means of FTIR spectroscopy of adsorbed CO. The remarkably small half-width (Δ\gn = 5.2 cm−1) of the stretching band of CO adsorbed on (110) faces of the microcrystals of the most severely sintered films is indicative of high surface regularity. The frequency of the \gnCO (2134 cm−1), lower than that of CO gas phase, and the increased value of the vibrational polarizability (αv = 0.13 A3) indicate that in the COCuCl interaction, besides predominant Stark and σ contributions, d-π overlap effects are also weakly contributing.
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