Testing integrated electric vehicle charging and domestic heating strategies for future UK housing

Autor: Jon Hand, Nicolas Kelly, Aizaz Samuel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
ISSN: 0378-7788
Popis: A building simulation tool and electric vehicle (EV) charging algorithm were used to investigate the impact of electrified home heating and EV charging on the electrical demand characteristics of a net-zero-energy UK dwelling. A range of strategies by which EV charging and electrified heating could be controlled in order to minimise peak demands were tested, including off-peak load shifting, fast and slow vehicle charging, demand limited charging and heating, and bi-directional battery operation. These were compared to a base case without electrified heating and EV charging. The results indicate that the most effective operating strategy to minimise the impact of electrification on the mean peak household electrical demand was slow vehicle charging, coupled with off-peak heat pump operation. However, heat pump load shifting had an adverse impact on indoor temperatures. Off-peak-load-shifting of both the vehicle charging and heat pump operation proved counterproductive as this inadvertently synchronised both loads, resulting in high peak demands. The most successful strategy proved to be a combination of bi-directional battery operation, coupled with load controlled charging and heat pump operation—this approach limited average and absolute peak demands and almost eliminated the difference in absolute peak demands seen between fast and slow charging.
Databáze: OpenAIRE