Additional file 6 of The biochemical composition and transcriptome of cotyledons from Brassica napus lines expressing the AtGL3 transcription factor and exhibiting reduced flea beetle feeding

Autor: Gruber, Margaret, Ushan Alahakoon, Taheri, Ali, Nayidu Nagubushana, Zhou, Rong, Banyar Aung, Sharpe, Andrew, Abdelali Hannoufa, Bonham-Smith, Peta, D, Dwayne Hegedus
Rok vydání: 2018
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.6148016.v1
Popis: Figure S4. MAPMAN heat maps of metabolism genes in glabrous cotyledons. MAPMAN heat maps of metabolism genes in glabrous cotyledons of (A) hairy leaf AtGL3+ B. napus and (B) ultra-hairy leaf K-5-8 B. napus, relative to Westar. Maps show numbers of ESTs and expression intensity. Blue blocks represent up-regulated genes. Red blocks represent individual down-regulated genes. Relative expression intensity scale is in log2, where Âą5 represents Âąlog25 or greater. (PPT 287 kb)
Databáze: OpenAIRE