The energy budget, gas exchange and atmospheric dynamic in the region of East Siberian swamps in summer

Autor: Repina, I., Chechin, D., Dukarev, E., Stepanenko, V.
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: XXVIII General Assembly of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
DOI: 10.57757/iugg23-1214
Popis: This observational study provides variations of surface fluxes and other ancillary atmospheric/surface/soil data based on in-situ measurements made at Mukhrino field station located at in the middle taiga zone of the West Siberian Lowland. Turbulent fluxes of momentum, sensible and latent heat, CO2 and СH4 were measured with the EC technique. Measurements in the atmosphere were supplemented by measurements of heat flux through the soil, radiation balance and soil temperature at several levels and atmospheric boundary layer structure and dynamics. Most of the available energy is released as latent heat flux, while maximum sensible heat fluxes are more than 3 times lower. Net CO2 sink was comparatively high but was typical for a wetland area. Measurements show that the swamp is a source of methane. There is a gradual increase in the methane flux during the period under consideration, which is probably associated with soil heating. At night, the methane flux becomes smaller in absolute value, close to zero. This can be associated with the weakening of the turbulent exchange, as evidenced by the values of the dynamic velocity close to zero. The accumulation of methane in the surface and boundary layers was observed due to weak mixing in the low stably stratified boundary layer. The dependence of the dynamic roughness length on the atmospheric stability is established, and the coefficients relating the ratio of thermal and dynamic roughness length to the Reynolds number are determined. The work was supported by Russian Science Foundation grant 22-47-04408.
The 28th IUGG General Assembly (IUGG2023) (Berlin 2023)
Databáze: OpenAIRE