Homosexuality in the Document Che cosa è l’uomo? Un Itinerario di Antropologia Biblica

Autor: Božidar Mrakovčić
Jazyk: chorvatština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Bogoslovska smotra
Volume 92
Issue 1
ISSN: 1848-9648
Popis: Članak obrađuje temu homoseksualnosti u najnovijem dokumentu Papinske biblijske komisije naslovljenom Što je čovjek? Putokaz za biblijsku antropologiju (br. 185 – 195) u kontekstu suvremene biblijske rasprave o toj problematici. Dokument tumači osam biblijskih tekstova koji problematiziraju homoseksualnu praksu: Post 19; Suci 19; Pnz 22,5; Lev 18,20; 20,13; 1 Kor 6,9; 1 Tim 1,10; Rim 1,26-27). Cilj rada je uočiti način na koji taj dokument vrednuje navedene biblijske tekstove, a time i njegov doprinos suvremenoj raspravi o ulozi Biblije u moralnoj prosudbi homoseksualnosti. Članak najduže raspravlja o pomalo neočekivanoj interpretaciji koju taj dokument PBK-a donosi o grijehu Sodome te je kritički prosuđuje. Autor čita brojeve posvećene homoseksualnosti u kontekstu opće strukture biblijske antropologije kako je izložena u rečenom dokumentu te zaključuje da istina o homoseksualnosti nije sadržana tek u malobrojnim biblijskim tekstovima o homoseksualnosti, nego ponajprije u okviru cjelokupne biblijske antropologije utemeljene na teologiji stvaranja (usp. Post 1 – 3). Način na koji dokument Papinske biblijske komisije Što je čovjek? tumači grijeh Sodome sugerira da homoseksualnost nije za Bibliju najveći grijeh. S druge strane jasna i apsolutna osuda homoseksualne prakse u Levitskom zakoniku i kod Pavla važna je i za današnje vrednovanje homoseksualnosti.
The article deals with the topic of homosexuality in the new document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, titled What is Man? A Journey through Biblical Anthropology (nn. 185 – 195) in the context of contemporary Biblical discussion on that topic. The document analyses eight Biblical texts that problematise homosexual practice: Gen. 19, Judg. 19; Deut. 22:5; Lev. 18:20; 20:13; 1 Cor. 6:9; 1 Tim. 1:10; Rom. 1:26-27. The aim of the article is to detect the manner in which this document evaluates the aforementioned Biblical texts and, through that, the document’s own contribution to the contemporary discussion on the role of the Bible in the moral evaluation of homosexuality. The article discusses at length the somewhat unexpected interpretation that this document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission offers of the sin of Sodom and analyses it critically. The author reads the numbers on homosexuality in the context of the general structure of Biblical anthropology as it has been presented by the document and comes to the conclusion that the truth about homosexuality is not contained in only a small number of Biblical texts on homosexuality, but primarily within the frame of the whole Biblical anthropology based on the theology of creation (see Gen 1-3). The manner in which the document of the Pontifical Biblical Commission, »What is Man?«, interprets the sin of Sodom suggests that homosexuality is not to the Bible the greatest of sins. On the other hand, a clear and absolute condemnation of homosexual practice in Leviticus and by Paul is important also for today’s evaluation of homosexuality.
Databáze: OpenAIRE