A low-cost and open-source approach for supraglacial debris thickness mapping using UAV-based infrared thermography

Autor: Jérôme Messmer, Alexander R. Groos
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
ISSN: 1994-0424
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7692541
Popis: Additional code and data for the discussion paper by Jérôme Messmer and Alexander R. Groos entitled "A low-cost and open-source approach for supraglacial debris thickness mapping using UAV-based infrared thermography" Correspondence: Alexander R. Groos (alexander.groos@fau.de) The repository contains (1) visual and thermal UAV images, in situ measurements, visual and raw thermal orthophotos, and surface temperature and debris thickness maps from the Kanderfirn in the Swiss Alps (2) a QGIS project with all datasets (coordinate reference system: WGS 84 / UTM zone 32 N; EPSG code: 32632) (3) an open-source pipeline for the processing of thermal imagery and the modelling of supraglacial debris thicknesses Description of sub-folders: - debris_mask -- kanderfirn_debrismask_2021-09-28.gpkg # debris mask for the surveyed debris-covered area on the Kanderfirn -- kanderfirn_icesnowmask_2021-09-28.gpkg # ice-snow mask for the surveyed debris-covered area on the Kanderfirn - debris_thickness: -- kanderfirn_hd_diff_2021-09-28_emp-seb.tif # -- kanderfirn_hd_empirical_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the empirical model -- kanderfirn_hd_global_rounce_et_al._2021.tif # global debris thickness (in meter) dataset of Rounce et al. 2021 (https://doi.org/10.1029/2020GL091311) -- kanderfirn_hd_k0.5_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 0.5 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k0.6_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 0.6 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k0.7_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 0.7 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k0.8_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 0.8 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k0.9_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 0.9 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k1.0_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 1.0 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k1.1_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 1.1 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k1.2_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 1.2 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k1.3_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 1.3 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k1.4_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 1.4 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_k1.5_2021-09-28.tif # simulated debris thickness (in meter) using the inverse surface energy balance model with a thermal conductivity of 1.5 W m -1 K -1 -- kanderfirn_hd_measured_2021-09-28.csv # table with the in-situ debris thickness measurements - dsm: -- kanderfirn_dsm_2021-09-28.tif # digital surface model of the surveyed debris-covered area on the Kanderfirn - exif_data: -- kanderfirn_thermal_images_exif_data_2021-09-28.csv # positional information of the thermal UAV images from 2021-09-28 -- kanderfirn_visual_images_exif_data_2021-09-28.csv # positional information of the visual UAV images from 2021-09-28 - gcp_files: -- kanderfirn_gcp_list_thermal_2021-09-28.txt # ground control file for the processing of the thermal images with OpenDroneMap -- kanderfirn_gcp_list_visual_2021-09-28.txt # ground control file for the processing of the visual images with OpenDroneMap - orthophotos: -- kanderfirn_orthophoto_raw_thermal_2021-09-28_odm.tif # raw thermal orthophoto created with OpenDroneMap using the raw thermal UAV images -- kanderfirn_orthophoto_raw_thermal_2021-09-28_pix4d.tif # raw thermal orthophoto created with Pix4Dmapper using the raw thermal UAV images -- kanderfirn_orthophoto_visual_2021-09-28.tif # visual orthophoto of the surveyed debris-covered area on the Kanderfirn - R_scripts: -- copy_metadata.R # script to copy exif metadata from radiometric jpegs and visual images (with gps data) to raw thermal images (without any metadata) -- jpg2raw.R # script to convert radiometric jpegs into 16 bit raw thermal images using exiftool -- raw2temp.R # script to compute distributed surface temperatures from a raw thermal orthophoto -- temp2hd.R # script to derive debris thickness from mapped surface temperature using the theoretical model of Evatt et al. 2015 (https://doi.org/10.3189/2015JoG14J235) - study_area: -- kanderfirn_perimeter_2021-09-14.gpkg # perimeter of the Kanderfirn in 2021 -- kanderfirn_studyarea_2021-09-28.gpkg # outline of the study area on the Kanderfirn - surface_temperature: -- kanderfirn_ts_diff_e0.95_2021-09-28_pix4d-odm.tif # difference between the OpenDroneMap and Pix4Dmapper surface temperature map (in °C) -- kanderfirn_ts_e0.95_2021-09-28_odm.tif # debris surface temperatures in °C (thermal emissivity = 0.95) calculated from the raw thermal orthophoto created with OpenDroneMap -- kanderfirn_ts_e0.95_2021-09-28_pix4d.tif # debris surface temperatures in °C (thermal emissivity = 0.95) calculated from the raw thermal orthophoto created with Pix4Dmapper -- kanderfirn_ts_e0.97_2021-09-28_odm.tif # ice/snow surface temperatures in °C (thermal emissivity = 0.97) calculated from the raw thermal orthophoto created with OpenDroneMap -- kanderfirn_ts_e0.97_2021-09-28_pix4d.tif # ice/snow surface temperatures in °C (thermal emissivity = 0.97) calculated from the raw thermal orthophoto created with Pix4Dmapper -- kanderfirn_ts_measured_2021-09-28.csv # in-situ temperature measurements in °C -- kanderfirn_ts_val_e0.97_2021-09-28_odm.tif # ice/snow surface temperatures (°C) in the validation area calculated from the raw thermal orthophoto created with OpenDroneMap -- kanderfirn_ts_val_e0.97_2021-09-28_pix4d.tif # ice/snow surface temperatures (°C) in the validation area calculated from the raw thermal orthophoto created with Pix4Dmapper - thermal_images: -- radiometric # selection of radiometric thermal images captured with the FLIR Vue Pro R 640 during the two UAV surveys (2021-09-28) -- raw_data # raw data extracted with the Exiftool from the radiometric thermal images - visual images: -- *.JPG # selection of visual images captured with the internal camera of the Mavic Pro during the two UAV
Databáze: OpenAIRE