The differences in selected health-related behaviour indicators among women with different educational attainment in Slovenia / Razlike v izbranih kazalnikih vedenj, povezanih z zdravjem, med različno izobraženimi ženskami v Sloveniji

Autor: Aleš Korošec, Janet Klara Djomba, Helena Jeriček Klanšček, Metka Mencin Čeplak, Cirila Hlastan Ribič, Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, Jožica Maučec Zakotnik, Maja Bajt
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Zdravstveno varstvo
ISSN: 1854-2476
Popis: Background: Numerous studies have found significant gender differences in health-related behaviour, while a lower number analyse these differences within the gender. The aim of the article is to analyse the differences in individual health-related behaviour indicators among women from different educational groups in Slovenia. Methods: The analysis is based on the CINDI Health Monitor (2008) survey for Slovenia. The nationally representative sample was chosen using probability sampling and the analysis included 4,237 women aged 25 to 74. The independent variables are: education, in consideration of age, community type, region of residence, the presence of a partner and children and self-perceived social class. The dependent variables are health-related behaviours: nutrition, physical activity, sleeping, stress and care for own health. By comparing averages in health-related behaviour with education and other factors and by classifying participants into homogenous groups, we were able to show differences in health-related behaviour in women with different educational attainment. Results: Individual health-related behaviour indicators show statistically significant differences between groups of women with different educational attainment; however these are neither very distinct nor unambiguous. Women with a higher educational attainment evaluate the majority of the indicators more favourably than women in other educational groups, but differences can also be found within the group of women with a higher educational attainment. The differences in the health-related behaviour of women with a lower educational attainment are relatively blurred. Conclusion: The relatively small differences in health-related behaviour can be partially explained by existing differences within the group of women with a higher educational attainment and the fact that the group of women with the lowest educational attainment does not have the worst health-related behaviour indicators, which affects the greater equality in health-related behaviour. On the other hand, the well-established universal and targeted family and child care policies, which have been implemented in Slovenia for decades, also affect these results. Uvod: Številne raziskave ugotavljajo pomembne razlike med spoloma v vedenjih, povezanih z zdravjem, manj pa jih analizira razlike znotraj spola. Namen prispevka je analizirati razlike v izbranih kazalnikih vedenj, povezanih z zdravjem, med različnimi izobrazbenimi skupinami žensk v Sloveniji. Metode: Analiza temelji na raziskavi "Z zdravjem povezan vedenjski slog", 2008. Nacionalni reprezentativni vzorec ljudi je bil izbran na osnovi verjetnostnega vzorčenja; v analizo je vključenih 4.237 žensk, starih od 25 do 74 let. Neodvisne spremenljivke so: izobrazba, upoštevajoč še starost, tip naselja, regijo prebivanja, prisotnost partnerja in otrok ter samoocenjeni družbeni sloj. Odvisne spremenljivke so z zdravjem povezana vedenja: prehrana,gibanje, spanje, stres in skrb za zdravje. S primerjavo povprečij v vedenjskem slogu med izobrazbo in drugimi dejavniki ter razvrstitvijo v homogene skupine smo prikazali razlike v vedenjskem slogu med različno izobraženimi ženskami. Rezultati: Med različnimi izobrazbenimi skupinami žensk so pri posameznih kazalnikih vedenj, povezanih z zdravjem, statistično pomembne razlike,ki pa niso zelo izrazite niti enoznačne. Bolj izobražene ženske večino kazalnikov ocenjujejo ugodneje kot ženske v drugih izobrazbenih skupinah, vendar tudi med bolj izobraženimi ženskami obstajajo razlike. Razlike v vedenjskem slogu pri ženskah z nižjimi stopnjami izobrazbe so sorazmerno zabrisane. Zaključek: Sorazmerno majhne razlike v vedenjskem slogu je deloma mogoče razložiti z razlikami v skupini visoko izobraženih žensk in dejstvom, da skupina najnižje izobraženih žensk nima najslabših kazalnikov vedenjskega sloga, kar vpliva na večjo enakost v vedenjskem slogu, deloma pa z dobro vzpostavljenimi univerzalnimi in s ciljnimi politikami varstva otrok in družine, ki so bile desetletja v veljavi v Sloveniji.
Databáze: OpenAIRE