Heart-on-a-Chip Model with Integrated Extra- and Intracellular Bioelectronics for Monitoring Cardiac Electrophysiology under Acute Hypoxia

Autor: Ning Hu, Breanna M. Duffy, Akshita A. Rao, Zhaohui Huang, Lauren D. Black, Jie Ju, Olurotimi A. Bolonduro, Haitao Liu, Brian P. Timko
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Nano Letters. 20:2585-2593
ISSN: 1530-6992
Popis: We demonstrated a bioelectronic heart-on-a-chip model for studying the effects of acute hypoxia on cardiac function. A microfluidic channel enabled rapid modulation of medium oxygenation, which mimicked the regimes induced by a temporary coronary occlusion and reversibly activated hypoxia-related transduction pathways in HL-1 cardiac model cells. Extracellular bioelectronics provided continuous readouts demonstrating that hypoxic cells experienced an initial period of tachycardia followed by a reduction in beat rate and eventually arrhythmia. Intracellular bioelectronics consisting of Pt nanopillars temporarily entered the cytosol following electroporation, yielding action potential (AP)-like readouts. We found that APs narrowed during hypoxia, consistent with proposed mechanisms by which oxygen deficits activate ATP-dependent K+ channels that promote membrane repolarization. Significantly, both extra- and intracellular devices could be multiplexed, enabling mapping capabilities unachievable by other electrophysiological tools. Our platform represents a significant advance toward understanding electrophysiological responses to hypoxia and could be applicable to disease modeling and drug development.
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