Forma jurídica y matrimonio canónico. Notas críticas a las tesis canonizadoras del matrimonio civil

Autor: Navarro-Valls, R. (Rafael)
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Dadun. Depósito Académico Digital de la Universidad de Navarra
ISSN: 2254-6219
DOI: 10.15581/016.14.21344
Popis: Summarium Obiectum huius scripti est, praesertim, critica resolutio thesium canonizationum matrimonium civile, relata ad bases theologicas, iuridicas et histor.icas, ex qUi,bus argumentant auctores, qul vel radicalem suppressionem formae canonlcaein matrimonio vel eiusdem conversionem in forma ad liceitatem postulant. Post synthesim ardentis pugnae circa quaestionem de forma iuridica matrimonii canonici, auctor examinat quae habet ut praesupposita methodologica praevia: a) historia quaestionis; b) functiones iuridicae formae in matrimonio-contracto; c) functiones in matrimoniosacramento. Ad conclusionem analysls ef,fecti auctor observat repercussiones requisitorum formalium matrimonii canonici, etiamsi characteris instrumentalis, habere graves impJ.icationes conexas cum salute animarum et cum aspectu ecclesiologlco socialique, quo ruit ratio sacramentalis matrimonil christiani. Deinde valorat critice positiones revisionistas inicio studii slgnatas et facit notare: 1) insufficientiam argumentorum historicorum, iuridicorum et theologicorum quae adducuntur ad supresionem formae ad valorem; 2) irrealitatem iuridiccrcanonicam thesium canonizationum matrimonium civlle; 3) contradlctiones qUlbus incurritur. Oenique, auctor concludit •suum scriptum quibusdam observationibus relatis: 1) ad positivam valorationem globalem actualis regiminis formae ad valorem; et 2) ad convenientiam aliquarum dlstlnrtlonum in sistemote Intendentium obviare dlfflcultates practicas quas comportat eius rigida applicatio. In hoc sensu has proposltiones iustificat delege ferenda: a) restrictio persona lis ambiti can. 1099; b) constltutio impedimentl canonici matrimonil civllis praevil et non dlsoluti; c) ampliatio et actuaJls ratlonls delegationum generalium ad matrimonium et notionis testis qualificat!. ---------------------------------------------------------- Abstract This 'paperis a critical study of the canonized theses with respect to civil marriage based on theological, historical and juridical considerations. With this foundation the author defines the radical suppression of the canonic form and its transition into the -ad Iiceitatem- formo. After resuming the heated debates over the juridical form of canon law marriage, the author analizes what he considers to be Important methodological suppositions: 1) the historical background of the question; 2) the juridical functions of the form in the marriage contract; 3) its function in the marriage-sacramento Concluding this analisis the author notes the effects of the formalrequisites in canonlaw marriage. Although these effects may be of an instrumental nature, they haveimportant implicatlons for the lSaIus animarum, and for the social and eclesiological aspects which serve as a guide to the sacrament of Christian marriage. Subsequently, the author makes a critical evaluation of the revisionist attitudes whlch had been examined at the beginning of the papero He stress es 1) the lack of historical, judicial and theological arguments in favor of the suppression of the ad valorem form; 2) the juridical-canonic unreality of the canonized thesis of civil marriage; and 3) the contradictions into whlch these fallo. Finally, the author concludes hisreport with several observations which refer to 1) the positive global evaluatlon of the actual state of the ad valorem form; and 2) the desirability of describlng the system more clearly in such a way that any practical dlfficulties in its strlct application are surmounted. Following this line ofreasoning the author defends the following propositions of lege ferénda:a) limiting the personal scope of canonlaw 1099; b) establishing a canonic restrictlon in civil matrimony whlch is basie to the law; c) broadening the present system of general delegatlons for marriage as well as the concept of testls quallficatus.
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