The plasmid-maintenance functions of the P7 prophage

Autor: Stuart Austin, Douglas N. Ludtke
Rok vydání: 1987
Zdroj: Plasmid. 18(1)
ISSN: 0147-619X
Popis: The region responsible for the maintenance of the prophage of bacteriophage P7 as a stable, unit-copy plasmid was isolated in a λatt vector which lysogenizes Escherichia coli as a stable unit-copy plasmid under the control of the P7 replication origin. The P7 plasmid-maintenance region was shown to consist of adjacent replication and partition regions capable of functioning independently. The isolated replication region could support plasmid maintenance but the resulting plasmids were highly unstable unless the partition region was also included. Stable composite plasmids were isolated containing the putative P7 partition region and the origin of replication of the unrelated plasmid F, indicating that P7 encoded an active partition mechanism. The replication regions of P7 and P1 were shown to be highly homologous but the partition regions of the two plasmids appear to be unrelated in sequence. The incompatibility determinants associated with the two replication regions showed the same specificity, whereas the partition-region incompatibility determinants were different, showing no cross-specificity.
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