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This document describes the SLICES Interoperability Framework (SLICES-IF), which main objective is to enable the exchange of research data with the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) and facilitating the federation of resources with other Research Infrastructures (RIs). In addition, SLICES is committed to achieve the Open Science goals defined by the European Commission (EC) by promoting the Open Access of research data, tools, software and infrastructure design principles. The EOSC being a key pillar of implementing Open science paradigm, interoperability with EOSC at all the levels of technical, semantic, organizational and legal interoperability will establish SLICES as a key proponent of Open science. The first step in achieving interoperability with EOSC is to fully understand and adopt the key technical and sematic design choices recommended by EOSC interoperability framework (EOSC-IF). In this document we have thoroughly analysed the technical and semantic aspects of the EOSC-IF which are used to define the SLICES-IF. Likewise, the EOSC-IF, the FAIR digital object (FDO) guidelines are at the core of SLICES-IF to enable the smooth research data exchange with EOSC and ensure the transparency, discoverability, reusability and reproducibility of the scientific resources, experimental workflow and the generated knowledge. By defining the SLICES-IF, we have provided the design choices that are needed to integrate SLICES with EOSC. This will allow the SLICES users to benefit from the resource-rich EOSC ecosystem having a plethora of scientific tools, software, research data and infrastructure resources and thereby helping to realize the European vision of ‘shared research knowledge system’. We start by defining the key requirements for SLICES-IF emanating from the SLICES use cases and the proposed integration with EOSC and other European RIs. We then provide the choices made for the key semantic and technical building blocks such as Authentication and Authorization (AAI), persistent identifiers (PID) policy and application programming interfaces (APIs). These design choices are selected in such a way that they fulfil the interoperability requirements. For metadata model and profiles, deliverable D4.3 titled ‘SLICES metadata profiles to support FAIR principle’ is dedicated and hence not considered here. |