Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of Zebu cattle in the Mali Sahel Zone I. Supplementary feeding in addition to natural pasture

Autor: S Legel, K Dobel, EA Adebowale
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Nigerian Journal of Animal Production; Vol 13, No 1 (1986); 58-63
ISSN: 0331-2062
Popis: Investigations into the performance of Peulh and Maure Zebu breeds of cattle to supplementary feeding of cotton seed and rice bran in addition to grazing natural pasture during the rainy and dry seasons were conducted in the Sahe one of Mali Republic. 96 steers made up of Peulh and Maure Zebu breed with age ranging between 30 and 55 months were grouped into five ._-­the control group grazed on natural pasture alone while four test groups were fed supple­mentary diets in addition to free grazing. Parameters based mainly on feed intake, rate of gain, feed conversion and carcass characteristics showed Maure gained weight significantly (P < - 0.05) faster (318.5g/d) than Peulh (2920) when a feeding trial which lasted 56 weeks was conducted. All steers on test diets performed better than the control except during the second rainy season when a 'compensatory growth' was recorded for the steers under the control. treatment. Younger animals (30 months old) gained weight (337.1g/d) significantly faster (P< 0.05) than the older (55 month-old) ones (273.40). While dressing percentage ranged between 48 and 56, test animals had significantly better dressing percentage of 55.4% (P < 0.05) than the control (48.2%). No diffe­rence was-recorded between the breed or age groups. Animals fed on pasture alone had 10.7% capacity of rumen content as perc­centag€ of carcass weight compared with 7.5% fir test diets.
Databáze: OpenAIRE