Physico-Chemical Analysis of Selected Groundwater Samples in Dhamar basin area, Yemen

Autor: Hefdhallah Al-Aizari, Abdelaziz Achaouch, Mohamed Fadli, Mohammed Al-Mashreki, Fouad Al-Kadse
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7392709
Popis: In this paper, the study aims to analyze the physicochemical properties of water in the region of Dhamar (Yemen). We have chosen five Qa's (sectors) from the Dhamar Basin (Qa 'sherah, Qa' Samah Qa 'Balasan, Wadi Almawaheb, and Qa' Asawad). The physicochemical parameters such as To, pH, EC and TH and the major ions Na+, k+ Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, SO42-, HCO3- were evaluated in 60 wells: the temperatures recorded in the waters vary between 20 and 41 °C, the temperature (> 30oC) was found mainly in Wadi Almawaheb and in some parts of Qa 'Balasan, this indicates that the boreholes are located in a volcanic zone, however the pH of the groundwater is alkaline and in accordance with the standard; Compared to Yemen standards, While that salinity, major ions concentrations, and total hardness are normal in all four Qa's boreholes (Qa 'Balasan, Qa' Samah, Qa' Sherah, and Qa' Asawad), whereas they are abnormal in Wadi Almawaheb due to the impact of sewage from the city of Dhamar. The correlation coefficients of the TH and EC variables are strongly correlated with all the parameters except the pH, T° and K. The principal component analyzes (PCA) show a total variation explained by each parameter with the wells, we found that 6 wells are polluted at Wadi Almawaheb at all chemical parameters except potassium, this complies with the laboratory analysis. Hydrogeological assessment of groundwater indicates dominance of Ca2+> Na+> Mg2+> K+ and HCO3-> Cl- >SO4- and the dominant type of groundwater is 48% cation and anion mixture, 30% HCO3--Ca2 + 7% HCO3--Na+ and 15% Cl--SO42--Na+ respectively, this indicates that the groundwater type is a dissolution of a mixture of dolomite, CaMg (CO3), gypsum (CaSO4 2H2O) and Halite (NaCl). Irrigation evaluation parameters are sodium adsorption rate (SAR), residual sodium carbonate (RSC) or Na% and electrical conductivity (EC), permeability index (PI), sodium content (SC) and EC with SAR. 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