506 Late-Breaking: Rapid Weight Assessment of Finishing Pigs

Autor: Mark Knauer, Jonathan P Holt, Sierra N. Young, Victoria Abner
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: J Anim Sci
ISSN: 1525-3163
Popis: Accurate pig body weight assessment is an important factor in managing swine herds and imperative when determining acceptable market weights. Pigs marketed outside the desired weight range established by the packer can lead to severe economic loss to the producer. This study’s objective was to validate new weight measurement technologies and determine their usefulness on swine farms. Accuracy of three methods were evaluated: human observation, a walk-across platform scale (CIMA; Correggio, Italy), and PigVision mounted cameras (Asimetrix Inc; Durham, NC). Weights were validated with a calibrated livestock scale in all three studies. In the first study, a trained individual selected pigs estimated to be market weight at two sites. Site one had 468 pigs and an accuracy of 84.4%, site two had 522 pigs and an 82.5% accuracy. A 16-week study was then conducted to determine PigVision camera accuracy over time from placement to market. Cameras were mounted above 12 pens. Weights were validated every two weeks. The accuracy for pigs that weighed 32.7 kg (87.7%) was lower (P < 0.05) than the accuracy for pigs that weighed 117.5 kg (97.6%) or 125.7 kg (96.6%). The overall accuracy from placement to market was 94.1%. A final study at market compared human observation, the walk-across scale, and PigVision. A total of 91 pigs were weighed with each method. The accuracy for the walk-across scale was 98.2%. The walk-across scale did not register a weight for six pigs. Final accuracies were 88.2% for human observation, and 96.6% for PigVision. Human observation is the chosen method in many operations today yet offers the lowest accuracy. The walk-across scale is easy to operate but requires tactical animal movement. PigVision is the least arduous option, provides constant data, but does require maintenance. This work was funded by the National Pork Board.
Databáze: OpenAIRE