Microbiological Profile of Oral Infections in Diabetic Patients and Non-Diabetic Controls in SouthWest, Cameroon

Autor: Fhl Kamga, TN Akenji, Fon Pn, Mea Bissong
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: African Journal of Clinical and Experimental Microbiology; Vol 15, No 3 (2014); 138-143
ISSN: 1595-689X
Popis: Background: Oral microbial flora is increasingly being incriminated in oral infections. There is paucity of information on the importance of aerobic oral flora in diabetes. The purpose of this study was to compare aerobic oral microbial flora in diabetics and non-diabetics and to relate these microbes with oral infections. Materials and Methods: This study involved 154 diabetics and 111 non-diabetics aged 18 years and above. Oral washes were inoculated unto blood agar, chocolate agar, Mac Conkey agar and Sabouraud’s agar and isolates were identified by standard biochemical tests. Oral exam was conducted by a Dentist to assess oral infections and oral health status of participants. Results: Thirteen different genera of aerobic microbes were identified. The most prevalent microbes were Streptococcus sp (99.6 %), Candida albicans (17.0 %), Serratia Spp (7.2 %), other Candida Spp (6.8 %), Coagulase negative Staphylococci (CNS) (6.4 %) and Klebsiella Spp (5.7 %). Candida sp was more prevalent in diabetic patients than non-diabetics. Gram negative aerobic bacteria were significantly isolated from cases of dental caries. Conclusion: The oral microbiological profile of diabetic patients was different from those of non-diabetics and aerobic Gram negative bacteria may play an important role in dental diseases in diabetic patients. Keywords: Oral microbiological profile; oral infections; diabetes; Cameroon Contexte: La flore microbienne orale est de plus en plus incriminee dans les infections buccales. Il existe peu d'informations sur l'importance de la flore buccale aerobie chez les diabetiques. Le but de cette etude etait de comparer la flore microbienne aerobie orale chez les diabetiques et les non diabetiques et de determiner le lien que ces germes ont avec les infections buccales. Materiels et methodes: Cette etude a porte sur 154 diabetiques et 111 non-diabetiques âges de 18 ans et plus. Le liquide de lavage buccal a ete inocule sur des geloses au sang, au chocolat, de Mac Conkey et de Sabouraud respectivement, et les souches bacteriennes ont ete identifiees par des tests biochimiques standards. L’examen oral a ete mene par un dentiste afin d’evaluer les infections buccales et l'etat de sante bucco-dentaire des participants. Resultats: Treize genre differents de microorganismes aerobies ont ete identifies. Les microbes les plus repandus etaient Streptococcus sp (99,6%), Candida albicans (17,0%), Serratia spp (7,2%), les autres especes de Candida (6,8%), les staphylocoques a coagulase negative (SCN) (6,4%) et Klebsiella spp (5,7%). Candida spp etait plus frequent chez les patients diabetiques que chez les non-diabetiques. Les bacteries Gram negatives aerobies ont ete considerablement isolees des cas de caries dentaires. Conclusion: Le profil microbiologique oral des patients diabetiques etait different de ceux des non- diabetiques. Les bacteries Gram negatif aerobies peuvent jouer un role important dans les maladies dentaires chez les patients diabetiques. Mots-cles: Profil microbiologique orale; infections buccales; diabete; Cameroun Article in English.
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