Magnetic field tuned energy of a single two-level system in a meso- scopic metal

Autor: Brage Golding, William H. Haemmerle, Neil M. Zimmerman
Rok vydání: 1991
Zdroj: Physical review letters. 67(10)
ISSN: 1079-7114
Popis: We study the effect of an external magnetic field H on an individual tunneling system by measuring the time-dependent bistable conductance of a submicron Bi sample near 1 K. The amplitude of the dynamic conductance fluctuations is a random function of H. The transition rates are significantly modified by the field, from which we infer an H-dependent energy splitting. This splitting is symmetric near H=0, but exhibits nonmonotonic features at higher fields, possibly arising from the coupling of local electron-density fluctuations to the defect
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