Match score affects activity profile and skill performance in professional Australian Football players

Autor: Aaron J. Coutts, Justin Cordy, Michael Cianciosi, Courtney Sullivan, Joel Hocking, Johann C. Bilsborough
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 17:326-331
ISSN: 1440-2440
Popis: Objectives: To examine the influence of quarter outcome and the margin of the score differential on both the physical activity profile and skill performance of players during professional Australian Football matches. Design: Prospective, longitudinal. Methods: Physical activity profiles were assessed via microtechnology (Global Positioning System and accelerometer) from 40 professional AF players from the same team during 15 Australian Football League games. Skill performance measures (involvement and effectiveness) and player rank scores (Champion Data© Rank) were provided by a commercial statistical provider. The physical performance variables, skill involvements and individual player performance scores were expressed relative to playing time for each quarter. The influence of the quarter result (i.e. win vs. loss) and score margin (i.e. small: 19 points) on activity profile and skill involvements and skill efficiency performance of players were examined. Results: Skill involvements (total disposals/min, long kicks/min, marks/min, running bounces/min and player rank/min) were greater in quarters won (all p14.5kmh-1, HSR/min), sprints/min and peak speed were higher in losing quarters (all p
Databáze: OpenAIRE