Influences of host age, sex ratio, population density, and photoperiod on parasitism by Trichogramma evanescens Westw. (Hym., Trichogrammatidae)

Autor: Abdurrahman Ayvaz, Aydın Ş. Tunçbilek
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Journal of Pest Science. 76:176-180
ISSN: 1612-4766
DOI: 10.1007/s10340-003-0018-1
Popis: Moth species Ephestia kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella are serious pests in cereal-based food processing facilities and stores in Turkey. Control of these pests is undertaken by regular space treatment of infested areas with pesticides. An alternative control method could be the release of parasitic wasps of the genus Trichogramma. In laboratory tests, we use T. evanescens as a parasitic wasp reared on the eggs of Ephestia kuehniella. Adult wasps emerging from the host were maintained in glass tubes at 27 +/- 1 degreesC, 60-70 +/- 5 % r.h and L14:D10 and fed on honey solution. Adults of T. evanescens in vials without food enclosed from host eggs, and all died within 1.8 days; in comparison, in vials with honey, five adults were evident for 15.2 days. Fresh (6-48 h) and old (72-96 h) host eggs were offered to T. evanescens and fresh eggs were more accepted than old. Host acceptance of females with males in vials was better than without males. The number of females. in the vials also influenced the parasitization rate and single female parasitized more eggs. Adults living in light regime (L14:D10 and L6:D18) parasitized more eggs, than in total darkness. Results are discussed with relation to enhancing parasitoid effectiveness in biological control in processing facilities and mills.
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