Updated Parental Viewpoints on Male Neonatal Circumcision in the United States

Autor: Elizabeth A. Catlin, Hiyam Nadel, Erin E. Tracy, Marvin L. Wang, Eric A. Macklin
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Clinical Pediatrics. 49:130-136
ISSN: 1938-2707
DOI: 10.1177/0009922809346569
Popis: Through a questionnaire, the authors sought to elicit information about initial attitudes concerning circumcision after reading a summary of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Policy Statement and, again, after reading a description of recent HIV/HPV studies. Predictors of increased support for circumcision included having a prior circumcised boy and being US born. Predictors of decreased support included being of Hispanic ethnicity and believing that the uncircumcised penis was more culturally normal. After reading the AAP statement, 86% of respondents remained favorable of elective circumcision, whereas 13% viewed it less favorably. After reading the passage about the HIV/HPV studies, the majority maintained their initial level of support. Certain characteristics were associated with an individual’s desire to perform circumcision on his/her infant. Despite a slight decrease in support to perform circumcision after reading the AAP policy summary, respondents’ initial attitudes toward circumcision were unchanged after subsequent review of recent HIV/HPV research.
Databáze: OpenAIRE