Určení obsahu zbytkového austenitu v jemnozrnné indukčně zušlechtěné pručinové oceli

Autor: Petr Král, Přemysl Beran, Anna Olina, Charles Hervoches, Jiří Pechoušek, Martin Petrenec, Miroslav Piska
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Materials
Volume 12
Issue 24
Materials . 2019, vol. 12, issue 24, p. 1-17.
ISSN: 1996-1944
DOI: 10.3390/ma12244063
Popis: Advanced thermomechanical hot rolling is becoming a widely used technology for the production of fine-grained spring steel. Different rapid phase transformations during the inductive heat treatment of such steel causes the inhomogeneous mixture of martensitic, bainitic, and austenitic phases that affects the service properties of the steel. An important task is to assess the amount of retained austenite and its distribution over the cross-section of the inductive quenched and tempered wire in order to evaluate the mechanical properties of the material. Three different analytical methods were used for the comparative quantitative assessment of the amount of retained austenite in both the core and rim areas of the sample cross-section: neutron diffraction&mdash
for the bulk of the material, Mö
ssbauer spectroscopy&mdash
for measurement in a surface layer, and the metallographic investigations carried by the EBSD. The methods confirmed the excessive amount of retained austenite in the core area that could negatively affect the plasticity of the material.
Databáze: OpenAIRE