Analysis of the Influence of Part-Time Work on Student Learning Activities

Autor: Arif, Muhammad, Rosni, Rosni, Nurman, Ali, Z, Soedirman, Cimita, Ade
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: JURNAL GEOGRAFI; Vol 15, No 1 (2023): JURNAL GEOGRAFI; 26-31
ISSN: 2549-7057
DOI: 10.24114/jg.v15i1.36993
Popis: Education is one of the necessities of life that every individual must have. One level of education is a college education. In tertiary institutions' learning process, students are inseparable from financial needs for learning needs and living standards. This need forces students to do part-time jobs. Part-time jobs are growing from time to time. Part-time work has both positive and negative effects on student development in the world of work. This study aims to analyze part-time jobs for students of the 2017 Geography Education Department, their relation to learning activities, and the factors that motivate students to work part-time. This study uses a quantitative approach with simple analytical techniques. The population in this study were all students of the 2017 class of the Geography Education Department, with a sample of 20 students. Data collection techniques using a questionnaire. The study results show a significant effect of part-time work and learning activities with a substantial value of 0.037
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