IBS Doctoral Dissertation Award

Autor: Leticia Ochoa‐Ochoa
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Ochoa-Ochoa, Leticia. (2013). IBS Doctoral Dissertation Award. Frontiers of Biogeography, 5(3). doi: 10.21425/F5FBG19883. Retrieved from: http://www.escholarship.org/uc/item/5xz2595f
ISSN: 1948-6596
Popis: ISSN 1948-6596 Announcements IBS Doctoral Dissertation Award Since 2013, the IBS makes a periodic award for the best doctoral dissertation, as judged from thesis abstracts submitted to Frontiers of Biogeography by an Early Career Researcher (up to 2 years after graduation from a PhD program). The Early Career Committee and Frontiers of Biogeography editors evaluate all thesis abs- tracts submitted for publication in Frontiers of Biogeography following the journal’s usual peer- review process; authors should state their interest to be considered for the award in their cover let- ter. The recipient of the award will be invited to present their thesis research at the biennial Early Career Conference and will receive a commemo- rative plate and monetary award to subsidize tra- vel expenses to the Early Career Conference. We are pleased to announce that the reci- pient of the 2013 Doctoral Dissertation Award has been Matthew Iacchei, from the Department of Oceanography, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (Honolulu, USA), for his PhD entitled “Population genetic and phylogenetic insights into the phyllo- somal odyssey.” An honourable mention was granted to Dr. Jesse Morris from the Department of Geography, Kansas State University (USA), for his PhD synopsis “Using lake sediment records to reconstruct bark beetle disturbances in western North America .” More information about the IBS awards can be found at: http://www.biogeography.org/html/ About%20IBS/awards.html. Leticia Ochoa-Ochoa IBS Student-at-large If you want to announce a meeting, event or job offer that could be of interest for (some) bio- geographers, or you want to make a call for manuscripts or talks, please contact us at ibs@mncn.csic.es and frontiersofbiogeography@gmail.com. upcoming events IBS Special Meeting on the Geography of Species Associations 15–17 November 2013 – Montreal, Canada International Statistical Ecology Conference http://ibsmontreal.webs.com/ 28 June–4 July 2014 – Montpellier, France http://isec2014.sciencesconf.org/ IBS Early Career Conference 2014 7–11 January 2014 – Canberra, Australia 7th International Conference of the IBS http://www.biogeography.org/ January 2015 – Bayreuth, Germany http://www.biogeography.org/ 3rd Meeting of the Network for Neotropical Biogeography January 2014 – Bogota, Colombia http://nnb.myspecies.info/ To post jobs, advertisements, or other announcements please contact the Frontiers of Biogeography editoral office (frontiersofbiogeography@googlemail.com). Advertisements are $50 per quarter page for professional or institutional positions. Announcements are free to members for vacancies in their lab. All advertisements and announcements also appear at no additional cost on the IBS facebook pa- ge (in abbreviated form) and on the IBS Blog (in long, or longer form). frontiers of biogeography 5.3, 2013 — © 2013 the authors; journal compilation © 2013 The International Biogeography Society
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