Adoption of recommended rice production practices among women rice farmers in Nasarawa State, Nigeria

Autor: Joyce Hauwa Kagbu, J G Akpoko, DF Omokore
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Journal of Agricultural Extension; Vol 20, No 1 (2016); 107-120
ISSN: 2408-6851
Popis: This study assessed the factors influencing adoption of recommended rice production practices (RRPPs) by women farmers in Nasarawa State. A total of 203 women rice farmers were selected for the study using multi-stage sampling procedure. Data were collected using structured interview schedule. Descriptive statistics and multiple regression were used for data analysis. Results reveal that majority (70.9%) of the respondents were less than 45 years old, married (82.5%), had below secondary education (80.0%), had farming experience of 10 years and above (80%), and inherited their farmlands (81.4%). Majority (78.4%) of the women rice farmers received not more than ₦ 60,000 credit in the last one year. ADP was the most important sources of information for the women rice farmers (M=2.12). Factors influencing adoption of RRPPs were farm size (2.6353, P
Databáze: OpenAIRE