Phascolosoma (Phascolosoma) stephensoni Stephen 1942

Autor: Açik, S., Murina, G. V., Çinar, M. E., Ergen, Z.
Rok vydání: 2005
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5659383
Popis: Phascolosoma (Phascolosoma) stephensoni (Stephen, 1942) (Figure 3 D, 4 D) Phascolosoma stephensoni: Saiz Salinas 1988 a: 166, fig. 2; Pancucci��Papadopoulou et al. 1999: 78���79, fig. 28. Phascolosoma (Phascolosoma) stephensoni: Stephen & Edmonds 1972: 326 ���327, figs 39g ���h; Saiz Salinas 1986: 63 ���70, fig. 24; Cutler & Cutler 1990: 719 ���720, fig. 1; Saiz Salinas 1993 b: 122 ���125, figs 64, 65, 89 b���d; Cutler 1994: 185, figs 44, 46e. Material examined: ESFM ��� SIP / 97 ��� 1, D 1, dredge, 35 �� 22.5 ' N ��� 33 ��05.2' E, 10 May 1997, 50 m, hard substratum, 2 specimens; ESFM ��� SIP / 98 ��� 1, K 4, Gazi Magosa Bay, 18 July 1998, 4 m, on Posidonia oceanica, 1 specimen; ESFM ��� SIP / 98 ��� 2, K 8, Limanbasi Cape, 20 July 1998, 3 m, on Cystoseira crinita, 1 specimen; ESFM ��� SIP / 98 ��� 4, K 9, Girne, 21 July 1998, 0���5 m, on C. crinita, 1 specimen; ESFM ��� SIP / 98 ��� 3, K 10, Malazgirt, 21 July 1998, 3 m, on P. oceanica, 1 specimen. Remarks: Trunk 2.3���7.2 mm long, 1.2���3 mm wide. Introvert with irregular pigmented bands (Figure 3 D), 4.8���6.3 mm long. Ratio between introvert and trunk lengths 0.5���1.1. Hooks arranged in more than 50 rings; 25���33 ��m long, 25���40 ��m wide at base on distal part of introvert; 18���38 ��m long, 25���38 ��m wide at base on proximal part of introvert. Hooks with a distinct streak, a triangular space, a crescent (Figure 4 D). Most hooks with a distinct secondary tooth. Two black eye spots present. Two pairs of retractors present; ventral pair thicker than dorsal ones. Intestinal tract with about 7���8 coils, attached by spindle muscle. Longitudinal bands of musculature numbering 22���24. Preanal (40���180 ��m long) and posterior papillae (60���190 ��m long) cone��shaped, smooth, red in colour; those on mid��trunk small, hemispherical. Nephridia 2.8 mm long, 0.5 mm wide. Trunk 2.6 times nephridia length. Distance between posterior end of trunk and beginning of rectractors 0.5���2.2 mm long. Retractors originating from 22���31 % of the distance to the end of trunk. Distribution: Eastern Atlantic, western and northwestern Indian Ocean, western Pacific, Mediterranean Sea (Cutler 1994). Depth range: 0���1445 m (Cutler 1977; Cutler & Cutler 1996).
Published as part of A��ik, S., Murina, G. V., ��inar, M. E. & Ergen, Z., 2005, Sipunculans from the coast of northern Cyprus (eastern Mediterranean Sea), pp. 1-23 in Zootaxa 1077 on page 16, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.170329
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