Leading Indicators in Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems in Healthcare

Autor: Jeremy Holden, Vanessa Silva e Silva, Joan Almost, Andrea Rochon, Henrietta Van hulle, Elizabeth G. VanDenKerkhof, Thomas Hayes, Geneviève C. Paré, Peter Strahlendorf, Louise Caicco Tett, Joanna Noonan
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine. 61:e486-e496
ISSN: 1076-2752
Popis: Objective To evaluate the feasibility of implementing interventions guided by six leading indicators, and the effectiveness of these interventions on improving employee's perception of their organization's health and safety climate. Method A quasi-experimental longitudinal design was used in two hospitals. Occupational health and safety management systems (OHSMS) were assessed using the Leading Indicator Assessment Tool. To address the gaps identified in the assessment, tailored interventions were developed, pilot tested, and evaluated. Data were collected pre- and post-interventions. Results Interventions were developed to improve three leading indicators: senior management commitment, employee involvement, and communication. Overall, both sites supported using leading indicators to guide proactive interventions. Employees' perceptions of the health and safety climate improved at one site only. Conclusions The results suggest the utilization of leading indicators to assess an organization's current OHSMS, identify areas for improvement, and implement tailored interventions is feasible to support a culture of safety in healthcare.
Databáze: OpenAIRE