Pjegavost lista šećerne repe

Autor: Helena Ereš, Angelina Dujković, Karolina Vrandečić
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Glasnik Zaštite Bilja
Volume 44.
Issue 4.
ISSN: 2584-3265
DOI: 10.31727/gzb.44.4.7
Popis: Pjegavost lista, koju uzrokuje gljiva Cercospora beticola, najznačajnija je bolest koja se javlja na šećernoj repi u svim područjima uzgoja i uzrokuje značajne ekonomske štete. Pjege, kao tipični simptomi ove bolesti, najčešeće su veličine 2-5 mm, svjetlije sredine i tamnijeg ruba. Prvo se javljaju na starijim listovima, ali kako bolest napreduje pjege se šire i na mlađe listove. Najvažnije mjere zaštite podrazumijevaju uništavanje zaraženih biljnih ostataka, sjetvu otpornih sorata, plodored i primjenu fungicida tijekom vegetacije.
Leaf spot, which is caused by the pathogen Cercospora beticola, is the most significant disease that occurs on sugar beet in all areas of cultivation, causing significant economic damage. By being a typical symptom of the mentioned disease, spots are most often from 2 to 5 mm in size, lighter in the centre, but darker on the edges. They first appear on older leaves, but as the disease progresses the spots spread to younger leaves as well. The most important protection measures include destruction of the infected plant residues, sowing of resistant varieties, crop rotation and application of fungicides during the growing season.
Databáze: OpenAIRE