What Hinders Perceptual Quality of PSNR-oriented Methods?

Autor: Xu, Tianshuo, Mi, Peng, Zheng, Xiawu, Li, Lijiang, Chao, Fei, Jiang, Guannan, Zhang, Wei, Zhou, Yiyi, Ji, Rongrong
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: In this paper, we discover two factors that inhibit POMs from achieving high perceptual quality: 1) center-oriented optimization (COO) problem and 2) model's low-frequency tendency. First, POMs tend to generate an SR image whose position in the feature space is closest to the distribution center of all potential high-resolution (HR) images, resulting in such POMs losing high-frequency details. Second, $90\%$ area of an image consists of low-frequency signals; in contrast, human perception relies on an image's high-frequency details. However, POMs apply the same calculation to process different-frequency areas, so that POMs tend to restore the low-frequency regions. Based on these two factors, we propose a Detail Enhanced Contrastive Loss (DECLoss), by combining a high-frequency enhancement module and spatial contrastive learning module, to reduce the influence of the COO problem and low-Frequency tendency. Experimental results show the efficiency and effectiveness when applying DECLoss on several regular SR models. E.g, in EDSR, our proposed method achieves 3.60$\times$ faster learning speed compared to a GAN-based method with a subtle degradation in visual quality. In addition, our final results show that an SR network equipped with our DECLoss generates more realistic and visually pleasing textures compared to state-of-the-art methods. %The source code of the proposed method is included in the supplementary material and will be made publicly available in the future.
10 pages,7 figures
Databáze: OpenAIRE