Performance, development and use of Romanov in France

Autor: L. Tchamitchian, G. Ricordeau, J. P. Poivey
Přispěvatelé: ProdInra, Migration
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 1988
Zdroj: Agricultural and Food Science, Vol 60, Iss 6 (1988)
Agricultural and Food Science
Journal of Agricultural Science in Finland
Journal of Agricultural Science in Finland, 1988, 60, pp.558-565
ISSN: 0782-4386
Popis: The Romanov (R) breed was imported to France in 1963. In 1987, there were 15000 purebred and 80000 FI ewes. The ewes have a high precocity and good adaptability to breeding season changes. Litter size (LS) is about 2.2 at 18 months and over 3 in adults, resulting from a high ovulation rate (OR) and a reduced embryonic mortality (EM). OR is less variable, but LS as variable as in other breeds. There are 0.8—1.9 % freemartins. In ewe lambs, the heritabilities of OR, EM and LS are 0.39, 0.09 and 0.02, resp. R has a favourable direct effect on lamb viability. Heterosis is high on fertility in ewe lambs, but less on OR and LS, favourable on lamb viability. The lack of performance regression from F1 to F4 in crosses with Berrichon du Cher has allowed the creation of a composite line (INRA 401), used on farms. Ewes suckle a maximum of twins. Lambs grow fast but have a low carcass and meat quality. A good viability of crossbred lambs and a good productivity of F1 ewes have been observed both in intensive and extensive conditions. In extensive system, R ewes are relatively susceptible to gastro-intestinal parasitism but are resistant to hepatic or pulmonary parasitism. R lambs seem to be susceptible to caseous lymphadenitis. Favourable results have been obtained with regard to prolificacy of F1 or ¼ R ewes and viability of lambs in six other European countries, but an unfavourable effect of heavy summer heat on male activity and female fertility. Composite lines have been created in Spain and Hungary.
Databáze: OpenAIRE