The importance of heel compression in the measurement of diurnal stature variation

Autor: K. Linge, T.K. Foreman
Rok vydání: 1989
Zdroj: Applied ergonomics. 20(4)
ISSN: 0003-6870
Popis: Heel pad thickness was measured in 20 subjects (18 males aged 21–39 years and two females aged 21 and 25 years) using a 2 MHz ultrasound transducer linked to an Echo Scan body composition meter, Thandar SC110A oscilloscope and M150 amplifier. With the subjects standing erect and weight-bearing equally through both feet, the average time to achieve equilibrium heel compression was 81·7 s. Compression of the heel pad soft tissue averaged 4·4 mm (range 0·8–8·9 mm). Following equilibrium with one foot weight-bearing, an additional average loss of 1·6 mm of thickness (range 0–4 mm) was observed occurring after an average time period of 51 s. This study has confirmed the suspicion that heel pad shrinkage may be a confounding factor in measurements of change of stature. The results of this study have indicated that a period of 2 min is needed for the heel pad thickness to compress sufficiently before measurements are taken.
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